Rainbow Over the Rip- Framed Print



Rainbow Over the Rip

The narrow waterway entrance connecting the Bass Strait to the bay of Port Phillip in southern Victoria, Australia, known as “The Rip” or “The Heads,” is the only route of maritime transit into Port Phillip, and thus seaport access into Melbourne and Geelong, Victoria’s two largest cities.

Our images are printed with high quality fine art paper to produce stunning, vibrant results. The frame is made of sustainable plantation mouldings (20mm W x 40mm D) and glassed with high grade framing acrylic which has greater impact tolerances than glass, with crystal-clear transparency.

Our products are framed ready to hang.

All Mirror of My Mind Photography prints are Australian-made and owned.


This product is print on order. Please allow 10 to 15 business days turnaround.

A postage fee of $16.50 is required and this will be added to your order at the checkout.